Tag Archive | agriculture

when the river overflows




When the river overflows,

It uproots everything it can from upstream

Maybe u could be among the uprooted.


When the river overflows,

Be sure to be near,

Because u don want to miss the scenario.


When the river overflows,

Sometimes it changes course,

Mmhm! Change is inevitable.


When the river overflows,

It’s cause springs have sprout up,

Ever tasted the ever refreshing spring waters?


When the river overflows,

Yeah, it floods the plains

Don say u weren’t prepared for the floods.


When the river overflows,

It fills it’s banks with sand,

But few get to harvest the sand.


When the river overflows,

Its cause it rained hard

Were you participating in the rain reigning hard?


When the river overflows,

It flows with  its own flow,

Y r u imitating other’s flow?


When the river overflows,

It stretches far and wide,

Reaching places it never reached before.